ana marin's creative lab
ana marin's creative lab
Access to the web domain www.anamarinsanchez.com of the artist Ana Marin Sanchez, is granted on the condition that users agree to be bound by the following conditions of use issued in this disclaimer.
All international property rights to the texts, images, sounds, audio, videos, designs, creations and the entire content of the web site belong to the artist.
Unauthorized use of these materials may violate copyright, trade-mark, patent and other laws. Only personal and private, non-commercial use of the contents of this web site is permitted for informative purposes and/or services only if the original content and artist is cited and/or referenced. No other use of the content is authorized. The artist also informs you that it is forbidden to publish, distribute, modify, or alter any part of the site for commercial purposes.
The artist is not responsible for the information or content of any hyperlinked websites not belonging to the artist. any data contained in this web domain will be used only for statistical purpose or for e-mail notification; User data will not be shared with third-persons or enterprises. Users are solely responsible for the use or misuse of the aforementioned content.